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CT, United States
Wife to Sean. Mommy to Casey and our 7 year old Jack Russell Shih tzu Gizmo.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weekly News for March 21-March 25

First Graders worked on choosing Just Right Books.

Students need to learn how to make good reading choices. Book matching strategies helps students select appropriate books independently. Students also explored the different purposes readers have and how to determine what their purpose for reading is. Students also learned how to evaluate whether a book is at the right reading level and length for their abilities.

First Graders worked in Guided Reading Groups on Non-fiction texts, old schema, new schema, finding facts and wondering. Students also worked on different skils in centers.


Lent is a special timefor prayer and to thank God. Celebrating Lent helps us grow as followers of Jesus. We are taught to treat one another as he treated people.

SText Colorocial Studies:

First Graders learned the symbols that represent the state of Connecticut.

We also talked more about mapping and learned the directions. Students learned a trick to remember how to place the directions on the compass rose. "Never Eat Soggy Waffles"

Test on Unit 3 on 3/31/11

Language Arts:
Contractions are a shortened form of one or two words. An apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter/s.


First Graders are working their own stories, editing them, conferencing, and adding details. Students are finding their own voices and really enjoying seeing how much they can write.
Students worked on comparing numbers, place value, patterns, skip counting and adding up to 14. Please have them practice with flash cards or games at home.

Junior Achievement started a few weeks ago with Mrs. Hayes (Molly's Mom). She has been coming once a week to discuss mapping, needs and wants, jobs, communities and life skills.
Dont forget to vote on an OLSS Star Teacher: www.thedailystamford.com
Our school could win $5,000. The teacher wins $100 gift card to Staples. You have one vote a day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Get Your Hands on a Good Book!!

webaddress: scholastic.com/bookclubs

activation code: GQ8X9

Please take time to explore the book club flyer either online or the paper copy previously sent home. Online ordering is fast and easy. If you order online, we earn a free book for the classroom library.

Some recommendations include:

Lucky April Book Club Order
*You will notice I have included a lot of chapter books in this list because I think at this point in the year the children could/should be challenging themselves a little more. We have discussed finding "just right books" which are not too hard and not to easy for us. JUST RIGHT! The Lucky Book Order form are for grades 2 and 3 and I would definitely say we have some great readers in this class that are up for a challenge.
30. Geronimo Stilton Save the White Whale
37. HOP The Chapter Book
67. Rainbow Magic: Emma the Easter Fairy
48. Magic Tree House Research Pack
19. Cam Jansen Pack
74. Scooby - Doo! Reader Pack
13. Black Lagoon Pack
70. Ready Freddy! Collection

Spring Gift Books Order:

80. Silverlicious

66. The Olivia Pack

48. Junie B. Jones Complete Collection

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Weekly Rap Up March 14-March 18

Hi All-
I decided to start a blog for our class so that you could stay up to date with all of our information. I am hoping you find it as useful and as informative as our weekly newsletter as I would like to phase that out and replace it with this blog. I hope that you will enjoy reading the parent tips and reading tips from Reading Rockets. We will see how this goes...fingers crossed.

  • Reading/Language Arts/Phonics: We did a lot of writing this week and read a lot of stories themed around St. Patrick's Day. Students are working on spelling, reading and writing with long vowels in phonics. Mrs Hajjar brought in a reader for us from the high school who read us a book for Read Across America. He read a book to us about Jimmy Hendrix. We also worked on fluency. Fluency is having the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Children who do not read with fluency sound choppy or awkward. Children time eachother while reading a passage to figure out our words per minute.

    Reading and Timing our Partners

  • Social Studies: We worked on understanding our place on the map. Thank you for sending your children in with their addresses. They worked on knowing their addresses, town/city, state, country. We even worked onn working on our continents. Students also learned abour types of land and water that make up our beautiful country and resources we use including wood, gas, water, and soil.

"Me on the Map" mapping projects on bulletin board

  • Religon: We took our test on the Good Samaritan story. Tests will be given back on Monday. Please remember to send back the text book if it has not already been returned.

  • Math: We worked on place value (tens and ones), comparing numbers and ordering numbers. As a St. Patrick's Day treat students graphed lucky charms cereal.

Our First Grade Classroom is in need of donations! We need paper towel, clorox wipes, tissues and antibacterial hand sanitiezer. If you did not donate in the beginning of the school year please think about donating now.

Please see our school website for up to date calendar information. We have a half day next Friday! http://www.ourladystaroftheseaschool.org/

Go to the Daily Stamford and vote for your favorite OLSS teacher so that our school can win a $5, 000 dollars and the teacher can win a $100 gift card to Staples. Voting continues until April 11th and you have one vote each day until voting ends.