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CT, United States
Wife to Sean. Mommy to Casey and our 7 year old Jack Russell Shih tzu Gizmo.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Prayer Leader Schedule

It is 1st grades turn to start leading Morning Prayer with Sr. Anne. We say prayer over the loud speakers on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you would like to come watch your child say prayer you may. Please make sure your child practices the script that will be in their folder today. They need to be here in school before the 8am bell rings as Sr. Anne starts prayer right after it rings. If your child is tardy they will miss their chance at prayer as Kindergarten still needs to get their chance at prayer before the end of the school year. Your child can either write their own intention for the school to pray for or they may pick one out of the collection in school. The student must also decide if they are going to say the Hail Mary or the Our Father. Please practice! Schedule is as follows: May 3: Jules May 4: Anthony May 5: Olivia May 10: Nicole May 11: Madeline May 12: Tristan May 17: Courtney May 18: Kaarlo May 19: Charnelle May 24: Molly May 25: Ean May 26: Sean June 1: Gaby

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