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CT, United States
Wife to Sean. Mommy to Casey and our 7 year old Jack Russell Shih tzu Gizmo.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

First Graders are learning about fractions. After talking about equal/unequal and parts of a whole, the kids modeled the concept in a book. We also made Fractionpillars (Fraction + Caterpillar) to practice our new skills. Students chose 3 different pom poms and created a caterpillar. After creating their caterpillar, students recorded the fraction for each color. These are displayed in the hallway for all to see. We also figured out fractions for our friend's names.

In Reading this week first graders worked on comprehension lesson to review text to self connections, new vocabulary and retelling. We read the story The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant. The story is about a bunch of relatives who take a long journey to visit their family. The relatives hugged and ate and stayed for weeks, tending the garden and fixing around the house. And when they left, the house was too quiet, and the family and the relatives dreamed about their next reunion. First graders also worked in guided reading groups on non-fictional texts. They have been working on Comprehension Go Charts which help them organize all the new information they are learning. We discuss the vocabulary, our predictions, what we notice or wonder, what we make connections to and then we work on summarizing our new findings. I am very proud of the work they have been doing.

First Graders have also been growing dirt babies (our version of chia pets) our window sill. They will be coming home to you soon.

Spring break starts this coming Friday. Please let me know if your children will be missing any school as some of them have told me they are departing for vacation early or wont be here the following week when we return. Thank you.

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